Beginning in 2024, every building owner must have an observation of the parapet on their building(s) performed in accordance with the requirements of Section 28-301.1.1 of the New York City Administrative Code. This requirement applies to all buildings with parapets...
Boiler Upgrade

Boiler Upgrade

A capital improvement plan that the Board of this East 10th Street Cooperative approved several years ago, has recently been completed. The gas lines were upgraded to convert the very old oil-burning boiler to a new energy-efficient modern gas-fired boiler. Once the...
Sarabeth’s Latest

Sarabeth’s Latest

Jane’s Restaurant was an institution for Brunch in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village for many years.   But several years ago, the new owners took over the lease for this restaurant at 100 West Houston Street, and like many other restaurants, this did not fare well during...
A Very New York Story

A Very New York Story

We at Tri-Star Equities love to share true NY stories, like the one below, by Steve W.,   highlighting what living here in NYC is like  – This is from a former Board President, and resident of a small cooperative apartment building  in Soho, about his journey.“I...