Beginning in 2024, every building owner must have an observation of the parapet on their building(s) performed in accordance with the requirements of Section 28-301.1.1 of the New York City Administrative Code. This requirement applies to all buildings with parapets fronting the public right-of-way, regardless of height.” “Local Law 12
Our management team decided to put on our walking shoes, hit the streets, and accompany our contractors in inspecting the parapet walls of our buildings. Not only did these visits provide us with an abundance of exercise for the day, but we were also able to confirm that the buildings had passed inspection and did not pose a danger to the public. The observation reports we received from the companies conducting the inspections included the findings of the parapet walls and the roof and facades of the buildings, complete with photographs! Here are photos of our rooftop journey in SOHO buildings managed by Tri-Star Equities.